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Universal Audio is offering one of the most useful of its plugins for free until October 31, 2023. No UAD-hardware required!

In February 2023, the world of Music Production was presented with excellent news: The beloved UAD plugins (from the American classic manufacturer Universal Audio) debuted in their "Native" version, which do not require proprietary DSP hardware from the brand, an unprecedented feat. Until then, UAD plugins, famous for their excellent emulations of classic audio hardware (analog and digital) such as analog reverbs, compressors, preamps and other processors, only ran through their own DSP, either standalone or built into their famous Apollo audio interfaces.

With the evolution of today's computers' processing power, the use of dedicated DSP to process audio plugins is slowly getting out of fashion since the most modest computers are able to offer enough processing power to perform an entire mix "in-the-box" and, in many cases, do it offering low-latency performance to the user. Until recently, this feature was only possible through the use of external DSP processors, which were in charge of processing the plugins while the user's computer was only in charge of running the DAW and its operating system, tasks that today's computers can perform simultaneously and without much difficulty.

Until February 2023, to plugin users like me, accessing the UAD world required purchasing an Apollo interface with built-in DSP or one of theirs "Satellite" DSP accelerators which connect to a computer via USB, Thunderbolt, or Firewire connection depending on the model you choose. With the launch of UA's "VOLT" series of interfaces (without embedded DSP), it didn't make sense to make it impossible to VOLT users to access UAD plugins. To launch their UAD plugins in their Native version (that run on the DAW host computer's processing) was just a matter of time.

In order to break the ice and attract users who have never crossed the "Apollo River Abyss" (laughs), UAD is offering, free of charge, until October 31, 2023, its indispensable "Teletronix LA-2A Tube Compressor" plugin, which is the official digital version of, perhaps, the most celebrated tube compressor ever made. The LA-2A, as it is known, offers that smooth and transparent vocal compression that we are used to hear in big studio hits and a precious tip is to make the gain reduction (amount of dB's of compression) be around 5dB at the vocal peaks. This is easily verifiable in the plugin's VU meter when it is enabled to show the amount of compression applied to the signal (Gain Reduction). Don't let anybody know that!

Visit the UAD website through the link: , register, download the UA Connect portal and through it, download the LA-2A.

How do you use your LA-2A plugin? Leave your comment below!

See you next time!


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